A Saint Who Was Adopted by the Grand Duke
Chapter ex19: Extra 19: Happy Daily Life (III)

“Let’s see. From here.”

Deheen began to read to Daina, who started eating cookies with a wholly satisfied expression.

Although distracted by the cookies for a while, Daina soon concentrated on the contents of the book with her mouth opened.

Just then, the door to the playroom opened and Esther entered.

She finished greeting the guests from the temple.

Judy and Dennis, who had been pacing the hallway, sneaked in after her.


Daina, who noticed Esther, smiled brightly and waved a snack in each hand.

“You are eating snacks in the morning…”

“Grandpa gwave it to me. I didn’t asfk for it.”

Having swiftly noticed the scolding atmosphere, Daina gazed up at Deheen, asking for help.

“Daina is right. I gave it to her.”


With a stern expression Esther made eye contact with Daina.

“What did you promise Mom the other day?”

“…Ugh. You can just keep this.”

Esther fell for the sad eyes and wiped the crumbs from Daina’s mouth.

“Did you do well?”

“Yes. They said they came because they had something to discuss about the New Year’s celebration.”

“I heard His Majesty will come by later too.”

After Daina’s birth, Deheen, who visited the palace as if it was his own home, became great friends with the emperor.

Of course, the conversations between the two were mostly about Daina’s growth and cuteness.

“Brothers, come and sit down.”

“Shall we?”

Judy, who was aiming for the spot next to Daina, quickly tried to sit down, but Daina shook her head.

“This is Uwncle Dennis’ seat.”

“It’s too much.”

Dennis, whose shoulders soared due to Daina’s choice, pushed Judy away.

“You, sit far away.”

“Why you instead of me?”

“Hah… It’s…”

A small palm smeared with donut oil spread wide in front of Dennis, who was about to say that Daina had followed him since she was young.


The reason was simple. Daina was curious about Dennis’ gift.

“Let’s see it all together.”

“Tell us how your trip went.”

“It was amazing. There is a ridiculously huge building in the shape of a triangle… .”

In a warm and friendly atmosphere, the family sat together and looked at the objects Dennis had brought back from the ancient ruins.


Three weeks later.

To attend the New Year’s celebration held at the temple, Esther and Noah rode in a carriage.

“This is the fourth year.”

“The temple has changed a lot now.”

The two had been attending the New Year’s celebration since the year Daina was born.

It wasn’t forgiveness. They were watching the temple so that it would not rot like before.

“Dad. Carry me.”

Daina, who had become very assertive, insisted that she would go with them.

The carriage window was too high for Daina, so it was only when Noah held her up by the waist that she could stick to the window.

She pressed her chubby cheeks against the window and looked out.

Noah pulled Daina back, stroking her soft cheeks.

“It’s dangerous, so be patient.”

“When will we arrive?”

“We are almost there.”

“Can I meet the saint too?”

Daina asked, her eyes twinkling.

Flustered, Noah glanced at Esther, asking for help.

Daina was curious about everything in the world, but she especially liked the story of the temple.

Last year, she was obsessed with the story of the saint and sang the songs of the temple, and the whole family was troubled.

“Saint, where! I want to become a saint too.”

Daina did not yet know that the saint she longed to meet was her own mother.

“What is our Daina so curious about becoming?”

Noah muttered as he fondly played with Daina’s hair, which was in pigtails.

“You don’t have to be anything. You just need to grow up healthy.”


That was the only thing Esther, Noah, and their families wanted from Daina.

“I’m healthy!”

Esther and Noah burst into laughter at Daina’s reckless interjection once she understood the words.

After a while, they arrived at the temple.

When they got off the carriage, there was a long line of temple officials who came to welcome them.


“We have been waiting.”

Daina flinched in surprise at the crowd staring at her and hid behind Noah.

“What is this…”

Esther sighed and whispered to Noah.

“Please go far away with Daina. Everyone will try to talk to her somehow.”

“Okay. I’ll show her around the temple.”

Embracing Daina, Noah quickly passed the priests who were surrounding them and darted off.

“Wow. Dad, look at that.”

The interior of the temple, which was splendidly decorated for the New Year’s celebration, was enough to attract Daina’s attention.

“I want to walk!”

When Noah put the excited Dinah down on the floor, she moved here and there with her short legs, looking around.

It was funny; her chubby cheeks wobbled as she jumped around at everything that interested her.

Her fair skin, her pigtails that swayed whenever she jumped, and the pink eyes that he saw everytime she turned around… all made her look like a baby rabbit. Thus, Noah smiled heartily.

Daina, who was walking forward eagerly, stopped when she found a huge stone statue of the goddess.

“Wow. Big.”

With her current height, Daina couldn’t see the entirety of the statue, so she almost fell while tilting her head as far as she could.

“Dad, who is this?”

“Espitos. She is the owner of this temple.”

“I saw you in the constellation of stars!”

Daina placed her small hands together and bowed politely to the stone statue.

“Hello. This is Daina.”

Daina, who kept staring at the stone statue as if it was strange, suddenly gasped and fell on her butt.

Surprised, Noah hurriedly picked Daina up and brushed off her skirt.

“Are you okay?”

“The goddess’ eyes just mwoved.”

“No way.”

“Really. Look.”

Noah and Daina waited for a long time, but the statue’s eyes did not move.


In the end, Daina lost interest in the stone statue and started exploring the temple again.

In preparation for the New Year’s celebration, they passed a road full of hyacinths, and the hyacinths leaned in unison in the direction Daina had passed.

Noah gulped at the sight, but Daina didn’t notice that.

At this time, Shur quietly lifted his head from the small bag that Daina was carrying.


“Oh, go in! I’ll get scolded!”

Surprised, Daina pressed Shur’s head down and hid her bag.

But it was after Noah had already seen it.

“Daina! No matter how well Shur followed you, we said he couldn’t go outside.”

“Daina did nothing wrong. Shur came in on his own…”

She really didn’t intend to bring it, but Shur was just in the bag. Feeling it was unfair, Daina inflated her cheeks and started running.

“Daina! Dad is sorry! Don’t run, you’ll get hurt.”

Daina, who was turning a corner to avoid the chasing Noah, bumped into someone coming from the other side.


Daina’s body, which almost fell, floated in the air.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. Thank ywou.”

Daina stared at the man who lifted her up.

The man was greatly surprised to see her, and after making eye contact with Noah, he lowered his head.

“Long time no see.”

“You are here?”

“I just got back.”

It was Khalid, who had left the temple.

He carefully set Daina down and scanned her with calm eyes.

“You must be Daina.”

“You know me?”

At that question, Khalid’s expression became indescribable.

“I know. I sincerely wanted you to be happy.”

“Daina is happy.”

Khalid smiled as he heard the answer that jumped out immediately.

“Thank god.”

Noah didn’t speak further to Khalid. He just greeted him with his eyes and took Daina away.

After that, Daina, tired from walking, reached out to Noah.

“Please carry me.”

“Are you sleepy?”


Noah carried Daina, whose eyes were already half-closed, and went to the room prepared in the temple.

Esther was waiting there, and she took over Daina.

On the way here, Daina was sleepy and kept rubbing her eyes, but as soon as Esther hugged her, she buried her face in her neck and acted cute.

Esther sat on the sofa, laid Daina on her lap, and stroked her hair.

“Shall I sing you a lullaby?”


Ever since Daina was born, Esther had sung her the lullaby that had remained in her memories.

With her chest patted at the same rhythm as the familiar melody, Daina quickly fell asleep.

Sitting down next to them, Noah whispered to Esther as she leaned over.

“Shall we give Daina a sister or brother? She is now four years old.”

“…I think she would be lonely by herself.”

When Esther and Noah’s eyes met, sparks flew.

As Noah pulled Esther’s body further to the side and was about to kiss her, Daina, who had fallen asleep, lifted her head and cut in.

“Why? Princess, you can’t sleep?”

“Mom is mine.”

The jealous Daina often interrupted Esther and Noah whenever they were about to make love.

“What about Dad?”

“Dad is Mom’s. So Dad is mine too.”

“Do you like your mother more than your father?”

“Yes. Mom is the sweetest.”

Noah’s eyes drooped sadly at the answer that came without a second’s hesitation.

Then, Daina took Noah’s hand and said patronizingly.

“Dad is after Mom!”

Esther found it cute that Daina had an order for her ‘favorites’, so she asked.

“Then who is next?”



“Um… Aunt is good, Uwncle too. Dworothy is good, Victor is good too…”

Daina’s eyes began to narrow when she couldn’t come up with an answer even as she thought hard.

“My princess is good. There are so many people who love Daina.”

Hearing those words, Daina got up with a smile and hugged Esther.

“I love you so much. That’s why Mom is loved the most.”

“You’re our daughter, but how can you be this smart?”

Touched, Noah opened his arms wide and embraced Esther and Daina at the same time.

The moment he met Esther’s eyes, he blurted out, unable to contain his feelings.

“I love you, Esther.”

“I love you too.”

“Me too! I love mom and dad too!”

Every day was happier than they could have hoped and imagined, with a small and precious interrupter who experienced everything.

It will definitely continue.

Dreaming and imagining the future.

Esther and Noah were full of confidence that these beautiful days would continue.

—A Saint Adopted By The Grand Duke, END of Extra Stories—

It’s the end, it’s finally the end! brb, gotta wipe my tears of joy I have commented on the characters and stories extensively for the past 200 over episodes, so I’ll just conclude this with a big THANK YOU to all my friends (special shout-out to the contributors: Lev, L and Kushi) and you lovely readers for joining me on exploring Esther’s life and adventure.

Whether Esther is a saint or not, and even before she is adopted by Deheen, she did her best to work with the cards dealt to her in every life. I hope all of us will be able to do the same, come what may xx

Chapter ex19: Extra 19: Happy Daily Life (III)
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