My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires
My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

1022 Chapters 19.2M Views 14.9K Bookmarked Ongoing Status

My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires novel is a popular light novel covering Harem, Romance, and Action genres. Written by the Author Victor_Weismann. 1022 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.


Victor was a normal 21-year-old man, he grew up in a loving family that helped him take care of himself knowing that he had a practically incurable disease, the RH null blood, he was the owner of a rare blood type…

But what Victor didn’t know, is that this blood type was a delicacy in the supernatural world, creatures that fed on blood loved his blood type…

And that blood he hated would be the factor that would make Victor the greatest vampire of all time.

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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 1 comment on Chapter 729: Victor wants to make Hestia a Yandere.‹
: 1 comment on Chapter 1002: The Emperor's will is eternal.
: 2 comments on Chapter 726: I do not need him
: 1 comment on Chapter 383: Advice from a friend.
: 1 comment on Chapter 382: Two Progenitors.Dracul and Alucard.2
  • DEVAAK 1

    My first novel

  • peoplesupport 16

    The novel has become like marmite. You either love it, or hate it. Those who hate it can't fathom how gods work, insisting on human morals to be paramount. The MC literally becomes the top dog, down to the microscopic level, altering DNA, even creating new races. But because there's inc3st, haters minds' are blown and can't accept it. It's like an ant demanding humans, nay, demanding the sun to act like they do and complaining when the sun effortlessly does nuclear fusion, day in, day out. If you leave your human sensibilities at the door and take this with an effort to understand how gods work, then it's a very enjoyable read.

    • Darth_Cheezus 21

      I always saw it as a power novel and all that stuff comes with it normally. Love OP Destruction Victor

  • zeraxen 9

    "There will not be *nc*st in the story" -Somewhere in the earlier chapters The novel later on: 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

  • _Prodigy_ 2

    lol i have been reading the comments on here the past couple months and it cracks me up. Everyone is talking about how the novel went down hill because of *nc*st, or there is more sm*t scenes, and i am just sitting here thinking that the novel was good then and good now. I mean the *nc*st thing is fine tbh the author explains reasons for it and anna is a good character. The sm*t scenes honestly its a novel about vampires how can it not get sexual. i mean from the first 5 chapters violet and victor were about to get it on like 4 times. The novel in my opinion did not get worse just added some more tags. As for the more harem members all the girls have a fleshed out back story or were just Velnorah, Amaterasu and Gaia. The last thing i seen were the talk about someone donating money to the author or something but i mean wasn't it just adding something to the novel that doesn't affect the story line?? wow more s*x scenes, how about grow up and stop reading Dr. Seuss Funny!!

  • 0nizuka 10

    I came back to see the comments under this novel cause i recalled 1 year ago when i wrote that this novel started off good but is turning more degenerate with each chapter and people were not happy. Now i see that the author has destroyed his own work, tbh good for him for seeking short monetary gains and destroying his reputation in the process instead of focusing on the story which was decent early on. Well no matter what this author is blacklisted in my book, won't read read his novels again when u know that the moment someone offers money he won't hesitate to destroy the novel.

  • Neon004 2

    I saw that my last comment was cancelled by the administrators for some weird reasons when I'm completely right so let me rephrase it again. This novel is good until the boss fight of the demon invasion arc (Victor Vs previous demon king). I warn you that if you don't want inc*st, kinda some ped*ph*lic insinuations or if you're a very conservative religious person (especially Christian), DO NOT pass farther than this arc. Some religion's jokes can't be easily swallowed even by very open minded religious person like me so is dead for conservatives ones. Sexualise God by writing him wanting to f*rn*c*t* with demon pr*stitutes (when he was invited in hell by Victor for a tour) is a big no for me. You will see it with your own eyes but I think there's some limits you can't pass even as a joke. I respect every religion and state of mind, I hope the very same back. I'm not extremely angry but d*mn that's too much. Is just a little warning about this novel. Stop cancelling me admins!!

    Edited: 4d
    • Lonely_guy 5

      Man even i want to report this author for hurting my religious sentiment

  • Neon004 2

    Everybody here can know and already know how much I hate this current look of the novel. The Inc*st and ped*ph*lia, the uncontrollable harem (we have some members of the harem you question why the f*ck they're even in ??😑) and much more. The author put Victor on a pedestal that he's the ONLY good man here outside. He can calmly stole another man's wife because he's the SALVATION of all women in the universe, THE man, THE PERFECT husband🙄😒. If there's a woman who don't fall for him, what a BLASPHEMY!!😫. This is so gross. BUT... we have to admit the beginning of the novel was so dope and that why it hurt so much. Now let's calm down our hatred for a moment and give actual advices. For new readers, if and I say IF you can handle the pain after, is a shame to loose the good parts of this novel. Is so good that's you can only rage at what it's became now. Is somewhat a sweet pain yk? Do I hate this novel now? Yes. Do I regret reading this?...Actually no. So do what you want with it🤷

    Edited: 6d
    • CrystalCat 8

      This novel was my BABY my #1 my favourite child UNTIL that one guy started giving out the most donations to the author and recomending more obscence events(forgot user but its on webnovel site where he posts)

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  • Hexetia 2

    Dangg the comments below me.. the people cooked way too much to demean this novel

    • Apocalypto 15

      Its the truth... I was one of those early readers, i started reading this sh*t when it had only like 200 smt chapter,... Such a disappointment, truly...!

      Edited: 3d
  • Sword_Monarch 5

    I'm literally crying I've been reading this for a long while. I left to stack some chapters, just thinking about rereading and I seen the ratings drop. When I saw the comments, it broke ma heart seeing one of my favorite novels going downhill. I thought this would be the first novel I followed till the end, now it's hard to read this sh*t. The name also needs to change it hasn't been about 3 beautiful vampire wives in a long while How low you have fallen Victor. We had a man of principle. A man who has shown growth throughout the novel. I thought I could follow you to the end but now you've lost the principles instilled to you by both mother and father. I hate to see this masterpiece in making ruined because of a single person and money. You've lost your way. Is this really what you spent years making? All your hardwork into losing some of the most loyal fans and followers you have attained in your years of writing for momentary gain. You wrote a novel and your fans raised it.Regret

    Edited: 7d
  • Neon004 2

    You can't defend victor anymore. When you say "but he's a progenitor so everyone is his child in the end bla bla bla", I'm sorry but there a difference between that and the fact that he going for his own daughters who are born from a procreation act with his wives. Like yeah, in term of bloodlines power, he's the beginning of everything so he's somewhat the "father" but that doesn't mean everyone have his DNA ok? but his daughters are completely another case. They have the whole PACKAGE, bloodline+DNA+everything.They came from his balls and they're still kids! KIDS! , you what that's mean so stop accepting this insanity. Yeah is true that they're supernatural beings so they don't have humans morals but as readers YOU DO and you GREW UP with. So if reading something like this don't bug you even a little bit, that's a problem. If is was just Anna and it was not that visible in the story,a little disgusting but ok but his OWN daughters? NO WAY IN HELL.This novel was my fav so it hurt bad

    • Sam55559 10

      It does bug us that he wants to f*ck his daughters. That's f*ck*d up even for *nc*st.
